This component uses Transforms (Move Down 100%) to hide and show modal (on Tablet) so that filters apply once the user hits the apply button (optimal UX). Using the display: hidden will prevent the apply button from working.

To show and hide the modal for editing purposes on Tablet:
  • Select the filters1_filters-wrapper inside the parent div filters1_layout div.
  • Hit the Hide button and it will show (yes this is counterintuitive).

Design Lab


Artist Interview: Brea Weinreb

Brea Weinreb, she/her (b. 1994, Long Island, New York) is a figurative painter based in Los Angeles. Her paintings of crowds of men depict and decode moments of camaraderie, solidarity, performativity and exclusivity within male homosocial spaces. She holds a Dual B.A. in Art Practice and English from the University of California, Berkeley. 

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